Why Does Drinking Release the Rage? Understand Alcohol-Related Anger and Aggression
The fact is that both AUD and anger don’t need to be permanent, especially with quality treatment. When you drink alcohol and behave aggressively, you may be violent with your family members, leading to domestic violence. Women and children are often at increased risk of domestic violence from someone addicted to alcohol. For example, suppose…
The fact is that both AUD and anger don’t need to be permanent, especially with quality treatment. When you drink alcohol and behave aggressively, you may be violent with your family members, leading to domestic violence. Women and children are often at increased risk of domestic violence from someone addicted to alcohol. For example, suppose you see a friend or person in your surroundings with violent behavior after drinking alcohol.
The Relationship Between Anger and Aggression
Add in alcohol abuse, and the multitude of possible social, emotional, physical, financial, and behavioral problems related to alcohol addiction, and the risk factors and potential for negative side effects go up exponentially. Alcohol-related anger and aggressive behaviors increase the chance of developing common mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and stress. Moreover, alcohol can increase the risk of bipolar disorder, dementia, mood disorders, and schizophrenia.
- Doing something as simple as sitting with your eyes closed and allowing yourself to become one with your thoughts can be a great way to understand and process your feelings.
- It’s when you can identify what’s wrong that you can begin to heal from it.
- So if someone you know is normally short-tempered, this may explain why they display rage when drinking.
- That, paired with the way people make decisions when they’re drinking, is often a recipe for disaster.
- Control of emotions isn’t the only link between alcohol and anger.
The Chemistry Behind Alcohol and Anger Issues
It’s clear that they’re not just a challenge for individuals, but also for society as a whole. Addressing this issue isn’t just about reducing alcohol-related violence, it’s also about improving public health and safety. Lastly, mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga could help manage stress levels which often trigger aggressive drinking episodes. These practices promote relaxation and self-awareness, potentially reducing the urge to engage in harmful behaviors while under the influence of alcohol.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Anger is an essential emotion, but if your anger seems out of control or is affecting your relationships, you may have anger issues. Alcohol is a contributing factor in approximately half of all violent crimes committed worldwide. Learning how to deal with emotions in a healthy way is a critical component to achieving positive outcomes when you try to quit drinking.
Mild Symptoms
But in real life, a person who loses control of their emotions when they drink is anything but entertaining. People spend years in therapy and in treatment for issues of their own that are caused by the consequences of this behavior. Anger management and alcohol treatment programs must recognize and educate participants about the relationships alcoholism and anger between alcohol and anger. It’s equally important that psychotherapists highlight this interaction both with clients who consume alcohol and those in relationships with them. Additionally, this information should also be taught in schools to expand their understanding and hopefully reduce the prevalence of alcohol-related aggression.
The master’s level clinicians and therapists at Serenity Lane dedicate their lives to offering evidence-based, compassionate, and comprehensive addiction treatment because we know anyone can recover. We don’t want you to face uncontrolled anger or alcohol use disorder alone – we want to help. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Finding wellness through treatment at Serenity Lane doesn’t just mean finding recovery from AUD. It means identifying your triggers for anger and finding out why you’re self-medicating with alcohol. It means learning how to approach your anger in a way that serves you and your recovery.